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The competitors in Romanian beer market

One aspect of the market is the trends (discussed in the previous article) and the other is the performance and efficiency of the competitors, since innovation cannot exist within reactive companies suffocated by survival struggle.

Analysis of Romanian beer market

As the storms are (hopefully) gone for the summer it’s time to relax on the terrace of a pub, having a cold one. But before I do that, I decided to take a closer look at the Romanian beer market.

Why comparing iOS and Android market share doesn’t make any sense


I have been reading a lot of comparisons between Apple iOS and Android, or between Apple’s terminals and Android terminals in terms of market share.

When a market gets bigger and bigger, different segments appear. You don’t have only early-adopters or high value customers any more, you are now already conquering the mid-value customers and tapping into low-value customers. I also see graphs showing Apple users having higher data traffic than Android users. That’s like noticing that (and making a big deal about it) BMW M5 owners are driving faster than Chevy Spark owners.

Cum sa ai autenticitate in mesajele de marketing

In articolul precedent vorbeam despre cum livram mesajul si imaginea companiei clientilor. Inainte de a te asigura ca vor vorbi despre tine, trebuie sa ai o idee clara despre ce vrei sa spuna.

Citind articolul Stefaniei ( despre autenticitatea persoanei proprii vad foarte multe similitudini cu construirea unui brand.


Stefania a scris un paragraf care poate fi parafrazat astfel: “Cand clientii vor vorbi despre tine, ce vrei sa spuna?” Ce pot sa spun cu siguranta este ca nu vor recita mesajul pe care l-ai transmis despre tine prin reclame, ci vor vorbi despre experienta proprie a interactiunii cu brandul tau.

Cum sa faci diferenta de buget de marketing irelevanta / How to make the marketing budget difference irrelevant

Bineinteles, este intotdeauna mai usor sa cresti notorietatea brandului prin cheltuirea unor sume mari de bani, la fel cum este intotdeauna mai usor sa “vinzi” gratuit, sau sa raportezi profitabilitate mare prin a elimina toate costurile si a pastra veniturile. Din pacate niciuna dintre situatiile de mai sus nu este posibila foarte des.

It is much easier to increase brand awareness with a high marketing budget, just as easy as it is “to sell” for free, or to report high EBITDA by eliminating all costs and none of the revenues. Unfortunately none of these situations are real options in real life.

La ce sa te astepti cand realoci resursele / Know what to expect when reallocating resources


Un fost profesor mi-a povestit filosofia canadiana a taierilor de costuri, asa numita “Canadian cut”: 25% mai putin peste tot. Mi-am adus aminte de aceasta expresie cand am vazut cum se raporteaza ca si reduceri de costuri lipsa de activitate, sau cum se decid taierile de costuri la prima vedere inutile, dar mai aprofundat s-au dovedit a creea defapt economii.

A former professor told me about the Canadian cost-cutting philosophy, the so called “Canadian cut”: 25% less all around. I remembered this phrase when I realized that lack of activity is being reported as cost-cutting, or that some costs, seemingly useless at first glance, actually prove to be necessary for keeping others costs under control.

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